Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A new beginning...

I finally took the plunge! Had been toying with the idea of my Blog for a while now and realised that this should definitely not become one of those things that I regret not doing when I am old(er!).

So, hello me & welcome to you all.


travel30 said...

Welcome to the world of blogging.

Unknown said...

Hey...so glad u made it to blogging..am sure u'll have a fabulous blog...hope to learn more about you thru ur blog..:)

Naju said...

Having officially arrived in the web space and raring to let the words flow...I suddenly seem to discover the syndrome that afflicts most writer's - "the writer's block'. Is that suppose to happen so early in one's blogging life? Eh?

Navendu said...

Hmmm....I always knew you as an extremely well-spoken person, but I can see you write equally well. Great work....

On the "writer's block" bit .... a coupla drinks and you'll be on your way... ;-)

Anonymous said...

The process of continually un-learning what you have learnt, will allow your senses to touch, feel and caress the vastness that most ceases to comprehend.